Our rooms

We have about 40 beds in cozy 2- to 5-bed rooms, with shared shower/toilet.


Almost all rooms are equipped with a sink.


On arrival day our rooms are ready in the afternoon . If you arrive earlier your luggage can of course be stored.

On departure day we ask our guests to vacate the rooms after breakfast. For later departure the luggage can of course be stored in our shoe depot. 


Cabin sleeping bags are not required in winter - fresh bed linen, including towelS are being provided.


During summer hikers can bring their own sleeping bag / hut sleeping bag and towels, but we also rent out fresh bed linen and towels.


During winter season we supply you exclusively with our delicious half-board. 

This includes a breakfast buffet for the perfect start into the day and a tasty three-course menu in the evening (vegetarian optional). 

If the evening menu changes due to allergies and/or intolerance we charge and additional € 5,00 per day.

During summer season there is a choice  between breakfast buffet or half board. 

Of course our restaurant is open during the day as well. Drop-in and have a snack and/or a little rest!!


So findet man uns - How to find us

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Öffnungszeiten/opening hours:  Die Hütte ist geschlossen/ hut is closed now

Krefelderhütte, Langwiedweg 30,  5710 Kaprun

Hüttenwirt:  Roman Rozgonyi

Phone: +43 (0)664 5444 726        Email: info@krefelderhuette.at