Summer night impression 2020 by Markus Gierlinger

34 years from Geboltskirchen (district of Grieskirchen, Austria) His hobbies include playing drums, sports, hiking, taking photos, music, etc ...

The reason these pictures were taken (quote Markus):

"My girlfriend and I had planned a hiking tour through Tyrol, South Tyrol, Salzburg and Styria, where we decided to stop at the Krefelderhütte because it looked cozy, which turned out to be true. Really super nice service, good food, great rooms with a view, good beer, just a cozy mountain hut where you like to spend several hours! Of course my thought was "I hope we are lucky with a star-bright night"!😁 

In the night from 31.7.2020 to 1.8.2020 I woke up and looked briefly out of the room and saw that we had an almost clear night, which was not certain that evening. So I decided to get up at 3 a.m., grabbed my camera, including a tripod and a flashlight, went out in front of the hut and began to take photos, where I discovered the Milky Way to the right of the summit of the Kitzsteinhorn, using long exposure and a little post-processing I was able to capture these awesome pictures. "


We liked those pictures so much that we dediced to put up a new page called "Gallery Guest Pictures" on our web page and are so happy to start it with those awesome pics!!

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Öffnungszeiten/opening hours:  Die Hütte ist geschlossen/ hut is closed now

Krefelderhütte, Langwiedweg 30,  5710 Kaprun

Hüttenwirt:  Roman Rozgonyi

Phone: +43 (0)664 5444 726        Email: