Current winter prices

Valid from November 1 st, 2023, subject to change without notice.

per night incl. half-board Price ACM* incl. half-board Price NM** incl. half-board
bed per adult over 18 years 72,00 € 84,00 €
bed per adolescents  between the age  12 – 17 63,00 € 75,00 €
bed per adolescents  between  the age 7 – 11 53,00 € 65,00 €
 bed for children  (extra bed if needed) 47,00 € 59,00 €

*ACM - Alpine Club Member       **NM - No Member


All prices are per person and night - except in main season (Christmas, Carnival - Easter) - and include breakfast buffet and 3-course dinner (vegetarian optional).


If the evening menu changes due to allergies and/or intolerance we charge and additional € 5,00 per day.


Discounted rates for AC members are only available with valid Alpine Club Pass (must be presented on-site without being asked).

Prices valid starting from 5 nights , are including fresh linen and towels, but excluding city tax (currently € 2.05 / person, from the age of 15 / night). For 1 - 4 nights a laundry fee of € 12,00 / bed applies. 


Pats are not allowed.

Cash payment ONLY !!!

 (Attention: next ATM Intersport Oberschneider Ski Dome II Shop Langwiedboden, middle station/Kitzsteinhorn.)

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Öffnungszeiten/opening hours:  Die Hütte ist geschlossen/ hut is closed now

Krefelderhütte, Langwiedweg 30,  5710 Kaprun

Hüttenwirt:  Roman Rozgonyi

Phone: +43 (0)664 5444 726        Email: