COVID 19 & Miscellaneous

  • For your stay with us during summer, please note following appeal of the alpine associations regarding Covid19:
  1. Visit our hut only in a healthy condition!
  2. Bring your own mouth and nose protection!
  3. Reserve your place to stay - no overnight stay without a reservation!
  4. Overnight stay possible with your own sleeping bag and cushion cover (light down or summer sleeping bag - no hut sleeping bag). OR: Bed linen can be rented from us!
  5. Take your own trash back to the valley!
  6. Inform yourself about the current situation at our hut!
  7. Observe the rules for practicing mountain sports during the time of Corona!
  • In addition, during this special time, mountain athletes are called upon to plan their tours conscientiously (weather, equipment, personal performance limits) and to increase their level of discipline and personal responsibility - this applies to your own protection and the protection of others!
  • Due to the exposed location, the stay for children under 4 years is not recommended.
  • We reserve us the right to any input errors and therefor subject to changes as well as any price changes.

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Öffnungszeiten/opening hours:  Die Hütte ist geschlossen/ hut is closed now

Krefelderhütte, Langwiedweg 30,  5710 Kaprun

Hüttenwirt:  Roman Rozgonyi

Phone: +43 (0)664 5444 726        Email: